Monday, March 21, 2011

Snippets of Life

Yes, it has only been two months since my last post this time!

But oh how much can happen in two months time...

For anyone that has lost touch with me for a bit here is the down low on what you have missed..

good subbing stories from CHS
the opportunity to see my little sisters play high school basketball together
wildly blessed wedding
new last name
lots and lots of boxes...packed and unpacked
a new home (for me)
adjusting to living in Western Kansas
adjusting to a slower paced life without meetings and homework all the time
the first time in a long time where I don't know many people where I am
the want to be a teacher, but no current job opportunities in the area
trying to pry open the creative part of my decorate our house
day trip and great conversation with the mom-in-law
two weekend trips to see people that mean a lot to me
the settling thought that things will never been the same again
the joy of creating new friendships
excitement for what God has in store for me

Pictures to come soon I promise!

Peace and love,

Monday, January 17, 2011

Back Again

Almost 5 months has been the length of my absence this time around dear blogging world.

Let me just keep it to short thoughts...maybe I will post more frequent then.

Update on my life in 10 short diddies or less...go!

1. I student taught in Winfield this last semester. Hence my disappearance from the blogging world.
2. I loved my students!
3. I am a college graduate!
4. I took the PLT and Ag Contest tests this past wasn't as bad as I thought!
5. I moved back home and am living in one of our rental houses.
6. I actually really enjoy being in Cherryvale. Just being in town brings back good memories from my childhood.
7. I enjoy being able to watch my little sisters play basketball; what a blessing to be a part of their lives again!
8. I am getting married in 40 something days...can you believe it?
9. If you didn't know weddings cost a lot of money...ugh...
10. I have 4.5 years of education and I still have no real idea what I want to do in life...

11. .... and yet I am at peace with this crazy, hectic life!

Through Him,